How to write an evaluative essay
How To Write A Good Comparative Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 7
The following week went abruptly. I ran from fittings at Mrs. Fells' dress shop to visits with Rosalyn in the Cartwrights' stodgy parlor to the bar with Damon. I attempted to overlook Katherine, leaving my screens shut so I wouldn't be enticed to look over the yard at the carriage house, and constraining myself to grin and wave at Damon and Katherine when they investigated the nurseries. When I went up to the upper room to take a gander at the representation of Mother. I thought about what counsel she'd have for me. Love shows restraint, I recalled her platitude in her lilting French articulation during Bible investigation. The idea support me. Possibly love could come to me and Rosalyn. From that point onward, I attempted to adore Rosalyn, or if nothing else collect a warmth for her. I knew, behind her quietness and her dishwater light hair, she was essentially a sweet young lady who'd make a gushing spouse and mother. Our latest visits hadn't been horrendous. Truth be told, Rosalyn had been in amazingly positive feelings. She'd gotten another pooch, a smooth dark brute named Sadie, which she'd taken to conveying wherever in case the new pup endure a similar destiny as Penny had. At a certain point, when Rosalyn gazed toward me with loving eyes, inquiring as to whether I'd incline toward lilacs or gardenias at the wedding, I nearly felt enamored with her. Perhaps that would be sufficient. Father had burnt through no time in arranging another gathering to celebrate. This time, it was a grill at the home, and Father had welcomed everybody inside a twenty-mile span. I perceived just a bunch of the youngsters, pretty young ladies, and Confederate officers who processed around the maze, going about as though they possessed the bequest. At the point when I was more youthful, I used to cherish the gatherings at Veritasâ€they were consistently an opportunity to get down to the ice lake with our companions, to play find the stowaway in the bog, to ride ponies to the Wickery Bridge, at that point dare each other to jump into the cold profundities of Willow Creek. Presently I just wished it were finished, so I could be separated from everyone else in my room. â€Å"Stefan, care to impart a bourbon to me?†Robert shouted to me from the temporary bar set up on the patio. To decide from his disproportionate smile, he was at that point alcoholic. He passed me a perspiring tumbler and tipped his own to mine. â€Å"Pretty soon, there will be youthful Salvatores everywhere. Would you be able to picture it?†He cleared his hands expansively over the grounds as though to show me exactly how much room my nonexistent family would have in which to develop. I twirled my bourbon hopelessly, unfit to picture it for myself. â€Å"Well, you've made your daddy one fortunate man. Also, Rosalyn one fortunate girl,†Robert said. He lifted his glass to me one final time, at that point went to talk with the Lockwoods' regulator. I moaned and plunked down on the patio swing, watching the cheer happening surrounding me. I realized I should feel cheerful. I knew Father just needed what was best for me. I realized that there was nothing amiss with Rosalyn. So for what reason did this commitment feel like a capital punishment? On the grass, individuals were eating and chuckling and moving, and an improvised band comprised of my cherished companions Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh, and Matthew Hartnett was playing an adaptation of â€Å"The Bonnie Blue Flag.†The sky was cloudless and the climate refreshing, with only a slight nip noticeable all around to advise us that it was, undoubtedly, fall. Out there, schoolchildren were swinging and screeching on the entryway. To be around so much merrimentâ€all implied for meâ€and not feel upbeat made my heart crash vigorously in my chest. Standing up, I strolled inside toward Father's investigation. I shut the entryway to the examination and inhaled a murmur of help. Just the faintest stream of daylight looked through the overwhelming damask draperies. The room was cool and possessed a scent like very much oiled cowhide and smelly books. I took out a thin volume of Shakespeare's pieces and gone to my preferred sonnet. Shakespeare quieted me, the words alleviating my mind and advising me that there calming my cerebrum and advising me that there was love and magnificence on the planet. Maybe encountering it through craftsmanship would be sufficient to continue me. I sunk into Father's calfskin club seat in the corner and absentmindedly skimmed the onionskin pages. I don't know to what extent I stayed there, letting the language wash over me, however the more I read, the more settled I felt. â€Å"What are you reading?†The voice frightened me, and the book slid off my lap with a rattle. Katherine remained at the examination entrance, wearing a straightforward, white silk dress that embraced each bend of her body. The various ladies at the gathering were wearing layers of crinoline and muslin, their skin watched under thick texture. Be that as it may, Katherine didn't appear even a little bit humiliated by her uncovered white shoulders. Out of legitimacy, I looked away. â€Å"Why aren't you at the party?†I asked, twisting to get my book. Katherine ventured toward me. â€Å"Why would you say you aren't at the gathering? Aren't you the visitor of honor?†She roosted on the arm of my seat. â€Å"Have you read Shakespeare?†I asked, signaling to the open book on my lap. It was a weak endeavor to change the discussion; I presently couldn't seem to meet a young lady versed in his works. Just yesterday, Rosalyn had conceded she hadn't read a book in the previous three years, since the time she had moved on from the Girls Academy. Indeed, even at that, the last volume she'd scrutinized was only an introduction on the most proficient method to be an obedient Confederate spouse. â€Å"Shakespeare,†she rehashed, her articulation extending the word to three syllables. It was an odd complement, not one that I'd got notification from others from Atlanta. She swung her legs to and fro, and I could see that she wasn't wearing stockings. I tore my eyes away. â€Å"Shall I contrast thee with a mid year's day?†she cited. I looked into, bewildered. â€Å"Thou craftsmanship all the more dazzling and more temperate,†I stated, proceeding with the statement. My heart dashed in my chest, and my mind felt painfully slow, making an unordinary impression that caused me to feel I was dreaming. Katherine yanked the book off my lap, shutting it with a resonating applaud. â€Å"No,†she said immovably. â€Å"But that is the means by which the following line goes,†I stated, irritated that she was changing the principles of a game I thought I comprehended. â€Å"That's the manner by which the following line goes for Mr. Shakespeare. Be that as it may, I was essentially asking you an inquiry. Will I contrast you with a late spring's day? Are you deserving of that correlation, Mr. Salvatore? Or then again do you need a book to decide?†Katherine asked, smiling as she held the volume simply out of my compass. I made a sound as if to speak, my brain dashing. Damon would have said something clever accordingly, without contemplating it. However, when I was with Katherine, I resembled a student who attempts to intrigue a young lady with a frog got from the lake. â€Å"Well, you could contrast my sibling with a mid year's day. Y ou've been investing a ton of energy with him.†My face blushed, and in a split second I wished I could take it back. I sounded so desirous and unimportant. â€Å"Maybe a mid year's day with a couple of tempests in the distance,†Katherine stated, curving her eyebrow. â€Å"But you, Scholarly Stefan, you are not quite the same as Dark Damon. Or on the other hand †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Katherine turned away, a gleam of a smile crossing her faceâ€â€Å"Dashing Damon.†â€Å"I can be running, too,†I said irritably, before I even acknowledged what I was stating. I shook my head, disappointed. It was just as Katherine some way or another constrained me to talk without intuition. She was so enthusiastic and vivaciousâ€talking to her, I felt just as I was in a fantasy, where nothing I said would have any outcome yet all that I said was significant. â€Å"Well, at that point, I should see that, Stefan,†Katherine said. She set her cold hand on my lower arm. â€Å"I've become more acquainted with Damon, however I scarcely know you. It's a serious disgrace, don't you think?†Out there, the band struck up â€Å"I'm a Good Old Rebel.†I realized I expected to get back outside, to smoke a stogie with Mr. Cartwright, to whirl Rosalyn in a first three step dance, to toast my place as a man of Mystic Falls. Be that as it may, rather I stayed on the cowhide club seat, wishing I could remain in the library, taking in Katherine's fragrance, until the end of time. â€Å"May I make an observation?†Katherine asked, inclining toward me. An errant dim twist tumbled down on her white brow. I needed to utilize my entire existence to oppose pushing it off her face. â€Å"I don't think you like what's going on this moment. The grill, the commitment †¦Ã¢â‚¬ My heart beat. I looked through Katherine's earthy colored eyes. For as long as week, I'd been attempting urgently to shroud my emotions. In any case, had she seen me stopping outside the carriage house? Had she seen me run Mezzanotte to the woodland when she and Damon investigated the nursery, edgy to escape from their giggling? Had she by one way or another figured out how to peruse my musings? Katherine grinned sadly. â€Å"Poor, sweet, resolute Stefan. Haven't you realized at this point rules are made to be broken? Y can't make ou anybody happyâ€your father, Rosalyn, the Cartwrightsâ€if you're troubled yourself.†I made a sound as if to speak, throbbing with the acknowledgment that this lady who I'd known for merely weeks comprehended me better than my own dad †¦ and my future spouse †¦ ever would. Katherine slid off the seat and looked at the volumes on Father's racks. She brought down a thick, calfskin bound book, The Mysteries of Mystic Falls. It was a volume I'd never observed. A grin lit her rose-shaded lips, and she enticed me to join her on my dad's lounge chair. I realized I shouldn't, however as though in a stupor, I stood and crossed the room. I sank into the cool, split cowhide pad close to her and simply let go. All things considered, who knew? Maybe a couple of seconds in her quality would be the analgesic I expected to break my despondency.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Health Care Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Social insurance Management - Research Paper Example Visit readmissions happen because of issues identified with constant contaminations, which are preventable. This article will give an audit of a chose clinic related with issues of E.R (crisis room) stuffing and successive readmissions. In social insurance the board, there is an insignificant number of people who use medical clinic crisis office benefits more than once and extraordinarily (Hall, 2008). This additionally remembers for tolerant administrations which act like, their essential wellspring of human services. The absolute most normal issues identified with visit emergency clinic readmission incorporate incessant sicknesses, psychological instability, substance misuse and vagrancy (Ken, Young and Spillane, 1998). Despite the fact that, these patients are not many, they add to an enormous level of clinical consideration expenses and misuse of inadequate emergency clinic assets for conditions that could share been forestalled or treated for all intents and purpose cultural set tings. These intermittent clinic care clients advance clog in the crisis unit subsequently prompting higher medicinal services costs for every person. Exhibition undertakings and research did by emergency clinics, nearby governments, non-legislative associations and network associations affirm that visit social insurance clients can be upheld in an increasingly effective manner dependent on case the executives (Kirby, 2010). This administration can guide them to an appropriate essential clinical consideration, lodging and other network based administrations. Beneficially, the administration is financially savvy and improves misuse of human services assets for their whole society. The case the executives administrations are practical and innovatively convoluted (Richardson, 2009). Through examination and research, patients noted to utilize these administrations plainly diminished their reliance on utilization of ambulances, crisis divisions and clinic in-quiet administrations (Richar dson, 2009). Most continuous clients show decreases in the misuse of these open administrations among others. The legislatures in various states have strived in meeting the prerequisites of continuous clients by not overstretching the expansion of the state administrations (Byrne, 2003). Many state authorities have thought of the possibility of a recipient framework whereby the incessant patients are set as recipients of the framework. They get freely financed wellbeing administrations which are fairly costly. Recognizing and tending to necessities of these incessant clients ought to be a segment of accomplishing more extensive wellbeing strategy objectives. Advancement of social insurance protection inclusion must incorporate fitting administrations for these successive administrations (Hall, 2008). The necessities of the successive clients can be improved further through quality improvement programs. This will help diminish abberations brought about by clinical dependence on the o verburdened crisis rooms (ER), therefore making tenable urban areas that react to other uncommon populaces like the veterans (Ken, Young and Spillane, 1998). This guarantees the continuous patients get improved medicinal services through this improved social insurance framework. Various examinations led in the wellbeing field show that the correspondence factor has contributed to a great extent to visit tolerant readmissions in many medical clinics. Absence of correspondence connects between patients, medical clinics, suppliers and gifted nursing offices (SNFs) is the most well-known reason identified with visit emergency clinic readmissions (Richardson, 2009). A model is the investigation done of readmission instances of patients with incessant obstructive aspiratory malady (COPD). The outcomes
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Link Your Profile Picture and Cover Picture Together
How to Link Your Profile Picture and Cover Picture Together Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!How To Link Your Facebook Profile Picture Cover Picture TogetherUpdated On 09/01/2016Author : HBB Editorial StaffTopic : Social MediaShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogOne of the coolest things that people are doing with their Facebook timeline cover photos is integrating them together with their profile picture, which is partially inset into the cover photo. There are a lot of cool ways to do this, some of them a lot more creative than others. Depending upon the feel that you are going for, this can be a really cool trick to use to draw some attention toward your timeline and keep users on your page.The time that it takes to properly design an integrated Facebook timeline cover photo and profile photo is worth the effort. Below are some tips on how to match them up the most effectively.Proper SizeThe first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are making images of the proper size. The cover photo should be 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels high. The profile photo should be 120 pixels by 120 pixels. From there, you need to line them up properly which is going to take some trial and error. It’s a good idea to start with an image that is about 911 pixels high, which should give you enough extra space to play with in order to integrate the profile picture. You can then cut out a 120 by 120 pixel space in the proper location and upload it separately from the matching 851 by 315 pixel image.It is going to take some trial and error to get them to line up properly, but once you do you will have a really powerful integration of your images on Facebook. This should keep visitors coming back and draw their attention toward the information on your Facebook timeline for a few extra seconds. Sometimes that is all it takes to hook them in.Make Sure the Colors and Lighting MatchREADSocial Media Curators Can Increase Yo ur Blog’s TrafficIf you are creating an image and combining it, it is important to make sure that all of the colors and lighting match. This is a bit easier when you are creating it from scratch, as you can simply use your design software to pick all of the same colors. If you are taking two separate photographs and combining them, you will either need to do some color matching or make sure that they are taken in the same place and in the same lighting. If not, you might have your work cut out for you in adjusting the color saturation, brightness, lighting and contrastIf they are off by a little bit, then the image and combination could lose its impact since the fact that they were taken separately will be too obvious to hide.Take Advantage of ToolsThere are actually tools available online that will help you crop images down to the perfect size, so they can make the process a lot easier for those who are not particularly inclined to use Photoshop or similar software for extensive design work.Taking advantage of these types of software, apps and tools can just make your life a lot easier while helping you to get a professional looking cover photo set up when it is all said and done.Use Online Tools to Create CoversYou can also use online tools such as to create your own facebook timeline covers.If Nothing Else, MatchIf you can’t integrate two photos, at least make sure that the ones that you do use take advantage of the same colors and styling. This will at least make them match and help the design to look a little bit more cohesive. That will give you a professional feel on your timeline page.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Walking Dead A Sociological Elements Of The Modern Day
With its dark and disturbing storyline, The Walking Dead has amazed and horrified viewers over the past seven years. Yet despite the gritty details of a post-apocalyptic world, it is evident that the show portrays multiple diverse sociological elements of the modern day. This paper will discuss these sociological elements and concepts the show portrays and will analyze what the writers are conveying about human nature. Many have noted that The Walking Dead is an incredibly provocative show when looked at from a sociological perspective (Marshall, 2015). In particular, I will examine the episode â€Å"The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be†which aired on Oct 23rd 2016, and opened up the 7th season of the show. Concepts such as involuntary resocialization, social norms, taboos, role strain, and role exit are very predominant in this episode of the show. The Walking Dead’s use of these concepts gives the show a deeper and more holistic meaning about the human conditio n that can seize viewers that pay close enough attention. In particular, this episode greatly analyzes the difficulties and stress placed upon an individual during involuntary resocialization. Involuntary resocialization occurs when an individual veers into a new social environment without the discretion of the individual (Steckley Letts, 2013). Involuntary resocialization has been a predominant theme since the beginning of The Walking Dead series. Entering a zombie apocalypse would be involuntary resocialization forShow MoreRelatedHumanities11870 Words  | 48 Pagesto receive formal instruction from a trained art teacher to cut short the learning curve. Ultimately, the key is to build a database of artistic knowledge and awareness for personal understanding. SOURCE: Basa, R., and Garcia F. (2008). Basic Elements of Humanities. Censen Books and Research Center Manila. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Racial and Ethnic Identity - 909 Words
The African, Mexican, and Native persons have all interacted with the Dominant American culture in some magnitude; consequently altering each different group’s racial and ethnic Identity. Throughout the semester, I have discovered that in much literature writers had an ideal perspective on their own identity as well as the identity that the dominant culture influenced them to have. While doing some research I wanted to see what would be a transitional time frame for a person to be un-conditioned of many negative symbolic meanings in regard to minorities and immigrants. My research has shown that there was a hierarchical scheme where an individual can monitor his/her identity progression from one level to the next. This†¦show more content†¦This mindset is shown in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye. Pecola visited and knew three women above her apartment who embraced their lifestyle. Speaking about them Pecola says, â€Å"Sugar coated whores, they called them, and did not yearn to be in their shoes. Their only respect was for what they would have described as good Christian colored women†(Morrison 56). The second stage in the process of developing racial and ethnic identity is encounter. This is when a person â€Å"questions the negative stereotypes that have become a part of their ethnic identity. This is evident in How it Feels to be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston. She mentions her first encounter when she realized she was different; â€Å"It seemed that I had suffered a sea change. I was not Zora of Orange County anymore. I was now a colored girl. I found it out in certain ways. In my heart as well as in the mirror, I became a fast brown warranted not to rub or run†(Hurston). The third stage is Immersion-Emersion. This is when a person begins to rid themselves of their ethnic self-hatred and discover their traditional culture and customs (Cushner, McClelland and Safford). This is evident in The School Days of an Indian Girl by Zitkala-Sa. Here as a returning student who has been assimilated to American ways, changes from a school girl back into her traditional culture: â€Å"I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properlyShow MoreRelatedEthnic Identity And Racial Identity866 Words  | 4 PagesEthnic identity remains one of the most extensively studied topics in the social sciences. The book â€Å"Studying Ethnic Identity†provides insight into the dynamic process that goes into the formation of ethnic-racial identity by psychological researchers. Ethnic and racial identity is a subject that is important to study because it has been associated with positive well-being, psychological distress, and academic attitudes (Rivas-Drake, Syed, et al, 2014; Smith Silva, 2011). Past research has triedRead MoreRacial Identity And Ethnic Identity863 Words  | 4 PagesPaper One My racial identity and ethnic identity are tied to my everyday experiences as an African American. I identify as African American or black because it’s my culture. I born by two black parents and grew up in a black household. Although I was often told by my parents that I’m black, I would say that the term â€Å"Black†was given to me before I even entered the world. The term â€Å"Black†was given to Africans by Europeans when they took us as slaves to the Americas. Ever since then, the one dropRead MoreRace And Ethnic Identity : Racial Identity1000 Words  | 4 Pages1.0 RACE AND ETHNIC IDENTITY In many perspectives, racial identities mean the differences in appearances of individuals especially with regards to the color of skin. Racial identities are mostly determined genetically or biologically. This includes traits like hair, bone structure color of the eyes etc. In recent times the biological determination of race has been disputed by social scientists who also propounds that races have more fluid social contexts. On the other hand, ethnicity encompassesRead MoreEthnic And Racial Identity During Adolescence Into Young Adulthood855 Words  | 4 PagesThe peer reviewed article â€Å"Ethnic and Racial Identity During Adolescence into Young Adulthood: An Integrated Conceptualization†is a well written article on the struggle that people of color face when coming face to face with their identity in social situations. Umana-Taylor, Quintana, Lee, Cross, Rivas-Drake, Schwartz and Seaton (2014) analyzed ethnic and racial identity or ERI and how it relates to important developments and issues from early childhood well on into young adulthood. They workedRead MoreRacial And Ethnic Identity : Racial Prejudice, Racism, And The Harsh Human Nature1306 Words  | 6 Pagespeople’s identity. Most have manifested race as their own and as a unified group. This does not need to be a bad thing. If people can acknowledge their race as an opportunity to learn, think, and grow, they will realize a nd understand that having a post-racial word would be, in fact, a provocation to their cultural knowledge. The world will never reach a post-racial society because of culture, religion, and the harsh human nature. The world will never be post-racial because of culture. Racial andRead MoreImportance Of Race Ethnicity : An Exploration Of Asian, Black, Latino, And Multiracial Adolescent Identity Essay1047 Words  | 5 PagesSeptember 12th, 2015 Dr. Wang Article Critique #1 Importance of race-ethnicity: An exploration of Asian, Black, Latino, and Multiracial adolescent identity Article source- Charmaraman, L., Grossman, J. M. (2010, April). Importance of race-ethnicity: An exploration of Asian, Black, Latino, and Multiracial adolescent identity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 144-151. doi: 10.1037/a0018668 (a) Contextual information about the purpose/intention of this study: Throughout theRead MoreRace Construction Essay1335 Words  | 6 PagesEthnology Draft Racial constructions in the United States beyond white and black Race construction in the United States has been socially constructed since the founding of the republic. Racial differences and the development of various ethnic identities have been affected by the rigidity of racial categories in the United States, these include American Indian or Alaskan Native, black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Asian Pacific Islander, and white. The racial divide in the UnitedRead MoreCultural Identity And Ethnic Identity1253 Words  | 6 PagesThe models of cultural identity share most of the same mutual characteristic but the experiences each individual endure in life will have the individual thinking about their belief. The cultural identity is the individuality or feeling of belonging. When thinking about a Native American understanding the racial and ethnic identity of an individual is important part of that individual. Racial and ethnic identity is a contribution to complete understanding the Native American. For some mainlyRead MoreEthnic Variability Of Hispanic Latino936 Words  | 4 PagesAn Analysis of the Ethnic Variability of the Latino/Hispanic Group in the United States Census (112) The historical development of ethnic categorization as a distinct concept from race in the U.S. Census was defined through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in October 1997. This criterion was meant to discern between biological/genetic factors and the ethnic aspects of Latino/Hispanic identity as part of this governmental decree: â€Å"The racial and ethnic categories set forth in the standardsRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Ethnic Identification Essay914 Words  | 4 Pagesforeign one. From this movement of migration have emerged many ethnic groups. An ethnic group is a restraint number of persons living in a larger society and sharing the same distinct cultural heritage. Some people tend to bury their habits and accommodate to the new way of life. However others hold on to their identity and try to identify their race and maintain it. This enriches societies and makes them multi-racial. Therefore, every ethnic group is essential to complete the mosaic. Although the y are
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Abbasid Empire free essay sample
The Islamic Empires like many other empires rose to become and influence on future societies. The Islamic Empire expanded far beyond its Arabian homeland, bringing Sasanid Persia and parts of the Byzantine Empire into its society. Muslim conquerors adapted Persian methods of government and ways to control their land. In the later centuries Muslims drew methods from Greek and Indian traditions as well. They transformed the cultural traditions that they took in into their own. While being influenced by other societies the Islamic Empire ultimately formed a political structure for trade and diplomacy over a vast amount of land. Furthermore many lands of various cultural backgrounds became part of a large society which was the lands under Islamic rule. The Abbasid Empire was established after the fall of the Umayyad. The main reason for the Abbasids wealth and power came from trade. This helped establish political, cultural, and economic characteristics. The Abbasids differed from many empires in its political view because it was not a conquering dynasty. Only slightly the Abbasids expanded their empire by conquest. Instead of conquering new lands the Abbasids were focusing on creating a government that would be able to rule ethnic and cultural groups. The caliphs built a new city called Baghdad were all central authority came from. The Islamic culture had a formal education that stresses the study of the Quran and the Sharia. The caliphs maintained a standing army, and they established bureaucratic ministries in order to keep in charge of taxation, finance, coinage, and postal services. In addition they also maintained a system of roads which helped trade and uphold the connection between the bureaucrats and the caliphs. During the time of rule by Harun al-Rashid the empire flourished with wealth. Baghdad became a center of banking, commerce, crafts, bad industrial production. Furthermore he provided support for writers and artists. In the 1220s the Mongols, united with their war commander, Chinggis khan Turko-Persian kingdoms and when he died his grandson invaded the Islamic civilization in the 1250s. In 1258 the Abbasid capital at Baghdad was taken by the Mongols. Baghdad never was able to reestablish itself from the Mongol invasions. The culture of the Abbasid Empire influenced many other areas and societies of the world. The Quran has served as the base of Islamic society since the seventh century C. E. Still today Muslims regard to the Quran as the only reliable scripture. Muslim missionaries spread the message of Allah and the teachings from the Quran. Muslim theologians and jurists went to the Quran to create moral guidelines for the society. Under this religious law code there was a cultural unity for the lands of the Islamic world. Education also helped endorse Islamic values. Many mosques preserved schools that provided an education and religious instruction. Going back to how the Islamic culture was adapting Persian methods, Persian was the main language of history, poetic musings, and mystical revelations. For many centuries that covered the period of Abbasid rule, Islamic civilization surpassed all other civilizations in scientific discoveries, new techniques of investigation, and new technologies. Other accomplishments consist of corrections to the algebraic and geometric theories of the Ancient Greeks. New findings and advancements resulted in medicine. Diseases became curable and people became healthier. Before Muhamads time, Arab women enjoyed rights unlike other women in many other societies. They were able to legally inherit property, divorce husbands, and engage in business ventures. However the Quran emphasized male dominance. The notion of male control soon started to be a sign in Islamic law. This stared to hold back many privileges and rights of women. The culture of the Islamic society became wide spread. The Islamic culture became an influence of today’s modern world and the people living in it. The economic characteristics of the Islamic world were a major aspect to the success and thriving of the society. Like other lands the creation of large empires had immense economic insinuations. The Abbasid Empire created a region of trade, exchange and communication extending from India to Iberia. Trade was a chief characteristic that benefited the economy greatly. Trade routes linked quite a few parts of the world. Banks were one of the many establishments that also helped the economy greatly. Credits were established for merchants and this reduced crime. Banking continued to help the economy because investments were put in and the exchanging of currencies was made as well. Soldiers, merchants and administrators traveled across the empire to make new discoveries of plants, agricultural techniques and animals. Discoveries of new crops were a major change for their economy because the introduction of these crops led to the healthier lives of people and a greater earning for them. Crops such as cotton were discovered as well thrived as part of the textile industry in the Abbasid Empire. Jobs became available to the people and this increased the pay for the common person. The economy provided the wealth of the city. Further down the money was supplied to build architectural structures, such as mosques, religious schools and bath houses. The flourishing economy also invested in Medicine so that it would become greatly progressed in its features. The Abbasid Empire had a thriving political, cultural, and economical features that preserved there religion for such a numerous amount of time. The Abbasid Empire was considered as a golden age for reasons that were most definitely accomplished during that period of time. The wealthy empire prospered so well that its methods and its culture became one of the most world wide spread societies.
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