Thursday, December 26, 2019
Obesity And The Western Diet - 1776 Words
The basis of our being is cellular, with nutrition being one necessity a cell needs to function. Nutrition comes from the food we consume where it is digested and broken down into simple nutrients. Each food having a different nutritional value. Is the diet we, as American’s, consume nutritionally filled? What role does a typical western diet play in relationship to the diseases we treat in healthcare today? In going back to the diet of our ancestors, consuming a Paleolithic diet, also known as a caveman or stone-age diet decreases the amount of chronic inflammation one has, thereby reducing risk factors for major diseases we treat in healthcare today. You are what you eat. Food is fuel; a necessity for human existence. As human beings have progressed, industrialized, and revolutionized, what we ingest has followed suit. This food progression has been termed the western diet. It consists of high fat, sugar, refined starches, oil, nonhuman mammal milk including their products, and beans. Alongside the western diet, western diseases have emerged: cardiovascular heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and some cancers (Frassetto, Schloetter, Mietus-Synder, Morris, Sebastian, 2009). A common denominator of all of these diseases, centered on metabolic syndrome, is a chronic state of systemic low-level inflammation (Ruiz-Nunez, Pruimboom, Dijick-Brouwer, Muskiet, 2013). In the Paleolithic diet refined grains, nonhuman milk, milk’s associated products, sugar, and beansShow MoreRelatedThe Western Diet Essay1158 Words  | 5 PagesThe Western Diet mainly consists of fried foods, refined grains, sugar, high carbohydrate and fats, and meats (3). It has been hypothesized that having a Western Diet increases one’s chances for developing depression. There has been a great deal of research into why the western diet increase’s one chance of having depression. A common sense reason maybe that the Western Diet consisted of large amounts carbohydrates, fats and sugars which promotes obesity and then causes depression (1). More scientificRead More`` Escape From The Western Diet By Michael Pollan Essay1641 Words  | 7 PagesThere are more ways to shun obesity. Michael Pollan, who wrote â€Å"Escape from the western diet†, claims that the fast food industry is one of the main reasons why people struggle with their health. He believes that the processed food we consume gives us harmful deceases. Pollan urges us to listen to his words to avoid the western diet, he preaches that we should start eating healthier and to put more time and effort when it comes to buying food. Pollan provides u s with his rules as well and claimsRead MoreFood Is A Necessity And Without Food We Wouldn’T Be Able1345 Words  | 6 Pagesand Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of Americans have obesity (Adult Obesity Facts). One of the major reasons causing obesity is a poor diet, what some call, the Western Diet. In Michael Pollan’s article â€Å"Escape from the Western Diet†, he argues that people should give up the western diet. Pollan reaffirms to readers, that those who indulge in the ways of the western diet are prone to a variety of chronic diseases. The western diet, he argues, is not good and should be put to an end. As PollanRead MoreObesity Is A Rising Epidemic Throughout The United States Of America1638 Words  | 7 PagesObesity is a rising epidemic throughout the United States of America. In many cases, people that are obese tend to develop type 2 diabetes, because the pressure of being obese affects the body’s ability to properly use insulin an d control blood sugar levels. In many studies, a hypocaloric, or reduced-calorie, diet is suggested as the main solution to the obesity problem. However, throughout these studies there have been contradictions about the impact of dietary iron on obesity-induced insulin resistanceRead MoreDo Western Diets and Lifestyle Negatively Affect People’s Health?1489 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Do Western Diets and Lifestyle Negatively Affect People’s Health? Western diets and lifestyle have become more and more popular in many countries all over the world, because western countries are more developed and people think western diets and lifestyle are healthy to people. It is a common knowledge that health includes three aspects: physical health, mental health, and social well-being health, not just without any disease. Western diets refer to the food as red meat, sugary desserts and drinksRead MoreCauses Of Obesity In Western Countries1251 Words  | 6 Pages Obesity in Western Countries: Causes and Implications Over the past two-decades obesity has risenn at an alarming rate globally and now is reaching epidemic proportions in the western and industrialized countries†¦ USA. Obesity prevalence in the United states is among the highest globaly as its obesity rate is projected to climb from today’s 30-40% today to a shocking 70% in 20301 . In particular, childhood obesity exhibited the highest growth rate today, tripling the percentage of children overRead MoreHow Junk Food Can End Obesity1175 Words  | 5 PagesFast food eateries are one of the main, if not the primary, reason behind obesity in the United States. Fast food, what many people for the most part view as a speedy approach to get some nourishment, is really killing a large number of individuals than you may suspect. In this current time, nearly everybody realizes that fast food isn t especially the best thing for you to eat, yet that won t verge on preventing us from eating it. Diverse things play a component with re spect to why we as a wholeRead MoreAnalysis of the Western Diet and Michael Pollan ´s Point of View on the Subject1037 Words  | 4 PagesNorth America and raises questions regarding Western diet, which is mostly comprised of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup and corn in general. He reiterates that chemically generated food is creating disease in North Americans; If we eliminate these factors and adopt the eating habits of less industrialized places in the world will we in our lifetime see rates of heart disease, type two diabetes and obesity decline dramatically? The western diet has evolved drastically in the last sixty yearsRead MoreAnalysis Of Fast Food By Michael Pollan1134 Words  | 5 PagesPollan expresses his views on what the Western diet is and how Americans need to escape from it. To the author, a type of American diet consists of an excessive amount of fast food and how it can lead to obesity and illnesses. Pollan expresses how he disagrees with the die t and states that both food and health industries are partially to blame for this. Pollan gives his opinion on the food industry, medical community and his own ideas on how to escape this diet. I agree with Michael Pollan’s viewsRead MoreFood and Nutrition Essay1466 Words  | 6 Pagesmost essential elements to being healthy and living a long life. People deal with food every day, and food has been a part of life since the beginning of civilization. What we eat becomes our diet, and our diet plays a major role in deciding how healthy we are and how well our body functions. Without proper diet, our body cannot carry out the functions it needs to perform. Most people have some common knowledge on what is good and what is bad for the human body to consume. Fruits, vegetables, nuts,
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